About Red Brick Publishing

David and Herb with the Dice Hockey board game prototype

Dice Hockey™ lead playtester Herb with game creator David

Red Brick Publishing is the distributor of the game of Dice Hockey and all future merchandise associated with the game.

The game of Dice Hockey™ was created and designed by Canadians David Leverton and Anne Doyle, and is modelled after Canada’s national winter sport. The different player formats are designed to be inclusive, cooperative, educational, competitive, and fun to play. Anyone over 10 years of age will enjoy combining strategic thinking and skillful planning with the dynamic nature of the laws of probability and the age-old element of luck.

Like so many Canadian youth, David picked up his first hockey stick and laced on a pair of skates at a very young age. During the winter months he was either playing hockey in the local arena, out on a frozen pond, or in front of his home. Anne never played hockey, but was an aspiring artist from an early age who turned her love of art into a lifetime profession.

The combination of Anne’s artistic talents and David’s understanding of the sport of hockey is the impetus behind the development of this exciting new game. Anyone who is a hockey fan or interested in learning more about the sport will enjoy playing Dice Hockey™.

The game is currently available in Canada and planned for future release in the United States and Europe. Contact us for more information regarding sales and distribution.

Dice Hockey Challenge game board period counter